Due to corona museums are closed. Some people are (read: I am) yearning for some cultural input that isn't coming from a TV-set. They want to dwell and submerge in art to extend their sences.
My dog has never been to a museum. It's just not fair. That's why I organised an exhibition to cater all her cultural needs.
All paintings are up dogeyelevel. No title cards because I don't want to point out to her the fact that she can't read.
Some paintings she obvious liked better than others.
Staring at 'Dance As If Nobody's Watching' she couldn't decide which side she liked better. The front or the rear.
She wasn't that keen when I said I liked floorpaintings much more than the old fashioned hangingpaintings.
During her personal guiding tour it was a revelation for her to find out about the special 2,5D effect of the eyes in the paintings. She had a strong opinion about those.
To see and hear her guiding tour check out this clip on Vimeo:
Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know when the next exhibition will be held (not sure yet if pets will be included).
Katja Sobrino is a versatile person. Her biggest problem is that there are too many things she enjoys doing. She works on feature films, makes pinhole photographs, paints, crafts, makes ridiculous amounts of snapshots (long live digital photography) and writes on various projects. An all-round creative.
Why this website? “Over the past 20 years I’ve been making pinhole photographs and a website is the perfect place to get the photos out the closet where they’re only gathering dust"
Why make pinhole images?
"It started because it seemed easy, no expensive cameras, complex lenses and apertures. All you need to do in terms of technique is to calculate the exposure time because the image itself is always (un)sharp. The exposure times are so long that you are literally catching light. The photographs that emerged were alienating images of reality. In the beginning the image was always a surprise because you couldn’t look through a viewfinder and the exposure time was usually a bit of guesswork.
Now I know exactly how my camera works.
With the rise of photoshop I started to look at my photo’s with another view. In my eyes they suddenly looked as an 'easy trick’. As if they were made on a computer because you couldn’t tell anymore how it was made namely by repeatedly exposing a 4’x5’ negative. I started to make less and less pinholes with my little wooden box. Mainly on holidays and only a small group of people got to see the results.
How to make a pinhole camera?
"There are many ways to make a pinhole camera. All you need is a hermetically sealable container. Think about a biscuit tin, an existing analog camera where you replace the lens for tin foil or even a matchbox. Make a small hole in it. The smaller the hole the sharper your picture and the longer your exposure time. Make sure the only light comes into the box through that small hole so tape it thoroughly. Mine is made of 5 small wooden boards painted black a piece of aluminum foil and rubber bands to attach the 4’x5’negativeholder. There are several sites on the Internet on how to make a pinhole camera."
Why do you always use yourself as a model?
“I find it difficult to explain to others what they should do. And I always carry myself with me.
The picture usually occurs in a spot. Rather than the usual other way around that you’ve already thought of an image and are looking for the right spot. Sometimes I drag my camera along for weeks without encountering a good environment.”
What is a good environment?
“Somewhere where you have a good foreground and background. The most amazing feature of a pinhole camera is that you can’t focus. In other words, the image is sharp from 1 mm to infinity. I once calculated that my camera has an aperture of more than 200. So my tip is to use the fact that you have this huge depth of field.” (The photo's are both taken in Hawaii, same spot, one istaken with a 'normal' camera the other one is taken with a pin-hole camera)
You obviously have a talent for painting why didn’t you school yourself?
"It probably sounds stupid but when I was young and ignorant and had to choose what I wanted to do with my life I thought; I do not have to go to paintschool because I already know how to do that and therefore it’s not a challenge. I studied photography and animation instead and I after graduating I began to cooperate on feature films because at that time that was the biggest challenge.”
It sounds like you only do what feel like doing.
"Yes, to some extent that’s true. You only live once so why not do things you enjoy most."
Would you like to make commissioned paintings?
"Yes, that would be very nice. People can always contact me. "
The photos for the cookbook are very funny.
“Yes it was a really a fun project. The challenge was to illustrate a cookbook without spending hours in the kitchen to actually make the recepies and without using the initiator who refuses to pose for any picture. The cookbook is a business gift of Reijseger to the point.
Did you know that a button is broken?
“Yes, we’re working on it.”
"Enjoy the site”